It’s one of the most common problems, a fridge that does not dispense water. It’s a particularly annoying issue, as it means that you can’t get a glass of cold water. Find out what to do when your refrigerators water dispenser is not working. Steps that you can take to get your fridge dispensing water again.
How to fix a fridge that does not dispense water?
What to do when your fridge’s water dispenser is not working?
If you find that your fridge’s water dispenser is not working, there are a few simple things that you can do to try and get it working again. Check to make sure that the water line is connected properly and is not kinked or clogged. If it appears to be in good condition, then you can move on to the next steps.
Why is water not coming out of my fridge?
There are a few potential reasons why your fridge’s water dispenser may not be working. It could be due to a blocked water line, a faulty water inlet valve, or a faulty dispenser switch. It could also be due to a malfunctioning water filter, or a clogged or kinked water line.
Check the refrigerator water filter for clogs
The first thing you should do if you’re having trouble with your fridge’s water dispenser is to check the water filter. The filter is responsible for removing impurities from the water. If it’s clogged or dirty, it could be preventing the water from flowing properly.
To check the filter, open up the filter compartment on the outside of your fridge and inspect the filter. If the water filter has not been replaced after 6 months or so, it will be clogged up. Find the correct water filter for your refrigerator and replace it.
Inspect the water line for problems
If the water filter looks fine, then the next step is to check the water line for any kinks. The water line runs from the wall to the back of the fridge, so inspect it carefully to make sure that there are no kinks that could be causing the water not to flow. If you find any bent water lines, straighten them out so water can flow. You can also replace the water lines to avoid future water flow issues.
Check for blockages in the water line
The next step is to check for any blockages in the water line. If there is a blockage such as ice in it, it could be preventing the water from flowing properly. If no water is coming from the refrigerator dispenser, the source of the issue may be a completely frozen water line. In some types of refrigerators, the line passes through the freezer, and if the temperature is below 32 degrees, the water line can freeze up. To fix this, let the ice in the line melt. Once the ice is no longer present, make sure the water line is clean and no blockages are present when you reinstall it on the fridge.
Check the water inlet valve
If the water line is clear and you’re still having trouble getting water to the refrigerator water dispenser, then you should check the water inlet valve. This is the valve that controls the flow of water into the fridge, and it could be faulty or clogged.
This could be the case if you live in an area with hard water or no water softener. To check the valve, unplug the fridge and turn off the water supply. Then, inspect the valve for any debris or blockages. Clean or replace the water inlet valve.
Check if the dispenser switch is faulty
The last thing to check is the dispenser micro switch. This is the switch that tells the water dispenser when to dispense water. If it’s faulty, it could be preventing the water from coming out. This can be the reason why your ice maker works but the water dispenser does not.
To check the switch, unplug the fridge and remove the dispenser switch. Inspect it for any signs of damage, test it with a multi-meter to be sure it is working and if you find a problem, replace it with a new one.
What else can cause the refrigerator to not dispense water?
In addition to the problems outlined above, there are a few other potential culprits for why your fridge’s water dispenser may not be working. It could be due to a main dispenser control board issue, a stuck switch, water pressure issues, a bad actuator, frozen water, deteriorating water supply lines, or a faulty control board. If you’re still having trouble after checking the above items, you may want to call a professional to inspect the fridge and narrow down the cause of the issue.
Reasons fridge won’t dispense water
How to get your fridge dispensing water again?
If you’ve followed all the steps outlined above and your fridge is still not dispensing water, let us know what type of issue you are having and we will be able to identify the cause of the problem and recommend the best course of action. Whether it’s replacing a faulty part or cleaning out the water line, we can guide you and get your fridge dispensing water again in no time.
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