If your Samsung front load or top load washer is displaying the error fault codes 4C 4E or NF, you need to know what is wrong to repair your washer. These error codes will show on your Samsung washer if it detects a water issue. NF and 4E = No Water Feed = Washer Not Filling. This means that there is an issue that is preventing your washer from receiving water into the water inlet valve.
NOTE: These error codes indicate there is an issue with water getting to the washer. So before major troubleshooting, check the water hoses at the back of the washer to be sure no water hoses are crimped or bent. This goes for error codes 4E, 4C, and NF. Straighten out the water hoses or replace them if they are worn. Check the filter mesh in water inlet valve for clogging issues.
Samsung washing machine 4E, 4C, NF error code
The troubleshooting steps below apply to all types of Samsung washing machines including front load, top load, and washer and dryer combos.
The first thing to do when you see the NF or 4E error code appear on your Samsung washer:
Step 1 – Remove the unit from power! Be sure the water supply valves on the wall behind your washer are fully open.
These 2 water valves must be ALL THE WAY open to provide water to your Samsung washer. Turn them all the way counter-clockwise to be sure. If you have check valves on the wall, make sure they are turned all the way open and parallel with the water supply hoses. If both the water supply valves are fully open, proceed to step 2.
Be sure both water valves are open to supply water to your washing machine
Step 2 – Check to be sure the water supply hoses are not bent, crimped, or kinked. If the hoses are bent, this can prevent water from getting to your washer. Be sure that when you last pushed the washing machine back towards the wall, you did not inadvertently get the water hoses crimped behind the washer, as this happens often. To be sure, get a mirror and a flashlight and look behind your washer without pulling the washer away from the wall.
If the water supply hoses are bent or crimped, slide the washer out enough to get your hand down there to get the water supply hoses straight so the water can flow properly. If the water supply hoses are too short, replace them with longer water supply hoses so the water lines do not get bent when you slide it back into place. If the water supply hoses are not crimped or bent, proceed to step 3.
Make sure the water supply hoses going to your washer are not bent or crimped
Step 3 – Be sure there is nothing clogged inside the water supply hoses. To check this you need to turn off the water valves that supply water to the washer. Unplug the washing machine from power or turn off the breaker. Slide the washer out far enough to get to the water supply hoses that attach to the back of the washer. Remove the water supply hoses from the back of the washer. (Keep the water supply hoses attached to the water valves on the wall)
Be careful as there may be water mesh filters installed in between the water supply hoses and the water inlet valve. If so put these aside and clean if needed. Get a bucket and be sure the water supply hoses are not clogged by slowly opening the water valve one at a time and let the water flow into the bucket. If the water flows freely then the water supply hoses are not clogged. This is to test to be sure the water is flowing properly from the water hoses and valves. If the water does flow as it should from the water supply lines proceed to step 4.
Check washer water supply mesh filter screens to be sure they are not clogged
Step 4 – Check where the water hoses were attached to the washer. You will need to pull the washer all the way out so you can get behind it. The part that the water supply hoses screw into on your Samsung washer is the Water Inlet Valve or Valves.
Check the water inlet valve to be sure there is nothing clogging or blocking the water from entering. There may be small water mesh filter screens on the water inlet valve that could be clogged, clean if needed. If you do not see anything clogging the water inlet valve or valves, proceed to step 5.
Water Supply Lines Connect Here On a Samsung Washer
Step 5 – The water inlet valve itself may be clogged internally, have a loose electrical wiring connection, or the solenoids in the water inlet valve are not operational. If you suspect the water inlet valve is faulty or has a loose connection, you will need to open the washer up to gain access to the valve. Remove power first. Check to be sure that the wiring harness is connected to the water inlet valves.
Be sure it is secure and not loose. If the wire connection is attached to the water inlet valve, you may have a bad or faulty solenoid in the water valve or valves. At this point you could test them with a multimeter or simply replace it or both.
NOTE: SOME Samsung washing machines have 2 water inlet valves, 1 for COLD water and 1 for HOT water. Other Samsung washers have a hot and cold water inlet valve as one part.
Your Samsung washer will have a water inlet valve similar to this
Find Samsung Washing Machine Replacement Parts Here
Below are 2 videos showing how to gain access and replace the
water inlet valve or valves on a Samsung front load washer…
Samsung Washing Machine Water Inlet Valve Replacement
Washer Cold Water Inlet Valve Replacement for Samsung Front Load Washer
Below is a video showing how to test the water inlet valve on a washing machine with a meter…
How to Test a Water Inlet Valve on a Washing Machine
If you have questions about how to fix your Samsung washer that has an the error code NF or 4E and the troubleshooting methods above did not help you, please leave your washer issue below and we will be happy to assist you troubleshoot your problem.
I have a Samsung top loading WA80V3. I got it about 2 years ago. The warrant has just expired. Now it is displaying 4E on the front panel. While it was working if I put it on fuzzy cycle, it would auto sense the water level and turn a few time before it starts to fill with water. Not it just simply all silent and no sound or anything coming from the washing machine. I have made sure the hoses are free of clogs and bends. Have made sure the water level sensor pipe is not kinked, checked there don’t seem to be any bad wire connection, I have got myself a inlet valve from the parts store. Nothing is working so far. Would love your expert help. It’s only a washing machines not rocket science.
samsung top load washer has 4 e code. the washer filled up alright then 4e code came on and it automatically emptied the water. i checked inlet filters no blockage and there is water leaking out of back
I have cleaned the strainers and still getting the 4E code. Washer is filling but when it gets about half way full the 4E code comes on again
Good evening,
I have been getting a 4E code on my Samsung front load washer #WF42H5200AW/A2
(Purchased Nov. 2015).
I have followed yours, & everyone else’s instructions for checking all problems . Replaced the 2 inlet valves and the pressure switch (with original Samsung parts)
This evening it filled for 3 minute then started draining. If it fills, it will keep going until water is halfway up the window! (On rinse too)
I’m totally disgusted….suggestions? Help?
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
My front loading washer comes up with code 4E then stops, when I switch off and restart the water runs out from somewhere below the door, it will eventually fill up and continue the cycle (while I have to mop up 2 buckets of water), the cycle continues as normal until the machine starts taking in water, error code comes up again, then I have to repeat the above procedure, the problem is that the machine is leaking the water while filling, your advice please. Thank you
samsung top load washer has 4 e code. the washer filled up alright then 4e code came on and it automatically emptied the water. i checked inlet filters no blockage and there is water leaking out of back
Samsung top load washer displayed code 4E (insufficient water supply), but looked to have filled fine. However, water leaked out from I believe underneath and quite a bit until I put in spin cycle and drained.
No luck finding specific help online.
Thank you
I have the same problem. Water keeps loading in and after a time it gives 4E error. I noticed that when this happens, water is draining out of machine while water flushes in.
Can i fix this?
Washer giving nf code. Fills with water and goes thru rinse cycle then stops and gives nf code. Checked oems on water inlet valve and all check fine. Hoses are on and not krimped. It fills and goes thru the wash cycle till rinse before it gives nf code. I don’t know what else to check now
i ordered a cold water valve water inlet and it started to work and now it has a nf1 code. we checked to make sure the cold was with cold hot with hot and its correct. but it still not filling? help?
My Samsung front load washer goes through almost the whole cycle and when it has about 10 minutes left it throws NF code it is getting water inside of it it’s when it goes to switch to the spin cycle it throws the code
Thank you! Pulled the little screens on the water inlet.
Let them sit in vinegar for a bit and then scrubbed them off with and old toothbrush. Good as new!
All hoses have been checked and washing machine still not filling up? Machine starts as per normal but will not fill?
This worked for me. Thx so much
The e4 code can also get people when the waste pipe is to low ( on the top loading models anyway ) as it syphons itself. Hope that can help someone
Tyvm for your videos,
My Samsung front loader came up with 4e code, will fill in rince cycle but nothing else, replaces the soliloid, still same thing, just replaced the pressure valve, still not working, a little lost, also listened to see if the pressure pump is even trying to work and hearing nothing, I’m a little lost now how to find x this
Have a Samsung top load that will fill with water and then about 10 min into the cycle will drain the water and show error 4e. I did have the hot and cold hoses swapped, but now that’s fixed, no media stuck in the water filters and valves are full open. It’s filling so I’d assume the valves are working. Not sure what to do next…
My washing machine flooded out the bottom we fixed the leak and now it’s flashing red on the normal cycle there’s no error codes but it won’t start. Does anybody have any advice?
It fills it drains it spins it just keeps stopping and beeping and the panel has a lowercase n and a capital F.
I turned off the water valves because of vacation and forgot to turn it back on when we got home. We got the 4E flashing message when we tried to do the normal cycle. The valves are completely on now, we have a separate hot and cold valves, they are not bent or crimped. The normal wash cycle works now but the perm press and quick wash does not, the 4E error message flashes. Do we need to reset the washer? Is there a quick way to get out of the flashing 4E message to change cycles or power off? I couldn’t find anything online. Thank you
If you have NO HOT water line…. try putting the Samsung washer in COLD wash mode only.
If that does not work, hook up a hot water line to the washer.
I have a Samsung top loader self clean washer.
I just hooked it up and error code 4E is showing.
I only have cold water supply NO hot… how do I get it to work?
Problem solved.
Changed the cycle and pulled the drainage hose up.
I tried everything but the error code did not go away
washer fills and runs fine with no clothes in basket. when placing clothes in basket nf errors are a constant, i am at my wits end i have tried everything except changing out the valve assembly any ideas?
My washing machine model Samsung WA95V3 has a problem that water continues supply to the machine without stop upon turn on the power and show error 4E.
And i already checked the water inlet valve connectivity and there is no issue.
My Samsung front-loader fills properly from the inlet hose. After about 10 minutes it stops with the 4E code. I used to be able to push the button to continue but now it keeps getting the 4E code. I do not believe that the problem is with the incoming water, but instead it is with the recirculating water. I can hear the pump switching on, but no water flowing. Any suggestions about this pump? Thanks
Samsung wfh42h5200a front loader…. 4e code about 6 mins into wash cycle only on cold temp setting…. no Kinks, no blockages no water pressure issues and drain hose is good…. faulty solenoid on the cold side????
Only get 4E code on quick wash, active wear cycles.
I started a load of towels yesterday and halfway through filling up it gave the 4E error and drained all over my kitchen floor. Is what I didn’t realize is that the towels had stuffing from a dog toy bundled up in one of the towels and I think it has my washing machine stopped up. It is a Samsung topload VRT and I have had it a couple of years with no issues. I think maybe some of the stuffing made its way under the tub and is throwing off the water level thing. How can I fix this without having to call for a service repair?
Check to see if the wiring harness going to and from the water inlet valve is connected and secure.
If you find the wiring harness to the water inlet valve to be damaged, replace it.
Also be sure you have the cold water valve open.
My issue is that my Samsung Washing Machine cold water inlet valve is ok itself, but the power to it is not connected or has a problem, as there is no input power to it blue cable when the program runs on cold water and when it runs on hot it is all good.
Samsung eco bubble washing machine displaying error 4E. We have checked the water pressure this appears to fine. Checked the mesh in hose, this is clear, also cleaned out the filter. We have replaced the solenoid valve following the steps you advise on the web page, but we still continue to see the error 4E. The washer appears to work longer into the cycle but the error appears part way through the rinse cycle. The washer appears to fill and drain ok. What else could we do?
I have a problem my Samsung WA90F4- filling water more than enough then appear error 4E, I checked the filters its okay whats the problem plz?
My Samsung front load flashes the nf code and I have to set it on a different cycle then it will work.
Sometimes I have to do it a few times.
For months it was only one cycle that did it, but now it’s doing it on all cycles usually once per 2 or 3 loads.
It seems as if something is going out rather than an actual physical issue with the water flow.
Admittedly, I’ve not been able to check that.
I’m 53 and disabled and can’t get back there to look.
Haven’t been able to afford anyone to come take a look.
Can this be a parts issue or is it always a blockage issue?
Samsung washing machine displaying the 4E error code…the water inlet is fine machine fills up with water ….but 3 minutes into to the wash the error code 4E comes up just before it spins…any help would be appreciated thank you
If your Samsung washer is draining and filling at the same time, check that the drain hose at back is not too far down in the standpipe. If so, it may create a siphoning effect and drain as it fills.
My samsung washing machine shows 4E. There is no inlet problem as I could see water flowing inside the drum. But still not filling. I believe the water is just draining before filling/washing. How to fix this problem. Kindly help. Thank you.
Washing machine model: Samsung WA85V3
Samsung washer 4E error code is a Water Supply Error.
Is the water tap connected to the washing machine and open to full?
Is there kinks or bends in the water hose connected to the washing machine?
Is the water hose mesh filter blocked or clogged?
My Samsung washing machine stops after 6 minutes then displays the code 4E. What should I do?
Samsung washer 4E error code is a Water Supply Error.
Check the following areas on your washer:
– Be sure the water tap connected to the washer is fully open.
– Make sure there are no bends in the water hose connected to the washer.
– Be positive the water supply hose mesh filter is not clogged.
Samsung aquajet washer will run the cycle but as soon as it gets to the “rinse and spin” it will stop and show the 4E code. why is that, what can i do to fix it?
Brandy Caywood,
Samsung washer error code 4E means the washer IS NOT GETTING WATER or NOT ENOUGH WATER.
If you are getting the 4e error code and the washer will NOT STOP FILLING, you most likely have a bad water inlet valve as one of the solenoids may be stuck in the OPEN position.
Check with meter to be sure.
My Samsung washer will not quit filling. It displayed the code 4E so we checked everything. We replace the pressure switch and none of that helped.
Just because it comes up code 4e, it could be something else. There’s a little tube on the bottom of the drum that sends water and tells the valve to close when it’s full. Open the back and put the hose on with duct tape. Samsung code 4e leaking.
If you have followed all methods for clearing the 4E error code on this page… contact Samsung if your fridge is new. Or call the company you purchased it from and let them know your issue.
Is it under warranty?
My new sSamsung front loader keeps on giving the 4E code even after i found nothing wrong with the water inlet pipes?
Samsung washer 4E error is a Water Supply Error.
Check if the water tap connected to the washing machine is open to full.
Check if there are no kinks or bents in the water hose connected to the washing machine.
Check if the water hose mesh filter is not blocked.
My washing machine gives 4E error after it got filled of water and couple of washing started.
The Samsung washer error code 4E = No Water Feed = Washer Not Filling.
It most likely DOES have something to do with well water.
You will need to check the water pressure coming into your home and to the washer.
Make sure you have both water valves open and there are no bends or kinks in the water hoses.
Samsung top load washer – Keep getting 4e error.
Just purchased the machine 3 weeks ago, we have well water so not sure if that is the cause.
Thinking about taking this machine back.

You may have a siphoning issue going on with your Samsung washer. Make sure the washer drain hose is not pushed far into the draining pipe.
NOTE: A siphoning effect will happen if the drain hose is pushed in too far… thus causing water to come back into the washing machine or drain out as it fills.
The samsung wobble technology top load empties the tub as fast as water comes in so the tub never fills up in the first place.
NF means NO FILL, if your Samsung washer is filling TOO MUCH, there may be an issue with the board, water fill inlet valve, or a possible sensor. First be sure all wire harnesses are secure. If you find that you need to replace the board, valve or sensor, look on YouTube to find the correct video to assist you in repairing the washer yourself.
My washer gives the NF code after it has filled all the way up. The entire drum is full of water which is way too much for this washer. I am able to empty it after I set it on the spin cycle. After going through the trouble shooting steps I think it might be a sensor, but I have no idea how to know or how to replace it.
Samsung top loader, I’m getting a n/f code. Flow to washer is ok but we have well water and have low pressure. Is there a fix for this