Samsung washer is showing 3e fault code message. My Samsung WF328AA Washer Does Not Spin at High Speed and Shows 3E Error Code. The washer spins at the normal speed but as it goes into the higher spin speed, the washer will constantly show error 3E on the display. I have tried unplugging the washer for 30 minutes but that did not help. I have tried to find a solution to the 3E error message but I cannot find anything specific to fix the 3e fault. Does the 3e error code message mean there is an issue with the motor since the error appears when the washer goes into high spin? If not the motor, what other parts of the washer can I check myself to fix my Samsung washer?
Samsung Washing Machine Error Code 3E = Motor Drive Error or Hall Sensor Error
When your Samsung Washing Machine shows the error code 3e, the most common reason is because of a “wire harness or wiring connection is loose, not connected, or wiring is damaged”. Checking the wire harnesses on the motor, hall sensor, stator, control board etc, will usually result in finding a faulty wiring connection or bad wire hareness. Reconnecting or replacing the wire harness or wiring will fix the washer and clear the 3E error. See more troubleshooting info below…
Samsung Washing Machine 3E ERROR CODE – Check Drive Motor & Hall Sensor
Here is how to troubleshoot and fix the Samsung Washing Machine 3E Error Code (on Samsung Washer WF328AA Model Number Series):
– Unplug washing machine from power
– Gain access to the inside of the washer
– Check the motor drive connector as it may be loose
– Check the hall sensor and its wiring as it may be disconnected, loose or damaged
– Check that the drum motor hall sensor is mounted properly
– Check for any foreign objects inside the motor or any motor damage
– Check to see if the stator is loose or may be damaged
– Check to be sure there is no defective relay on the control board
– Check the wire harness from the motor to the control board
– Check to be sure ALL wire harness are not loose, disconnected, or damaged
NOTE: Error 3E can also be caused by the wash drum being overloaded from too many clothes or a piece of clothing jammed between the drum.
Try running a Quick Test Mode to see if all components are working properly:
Samsung Washing Machine QUICK TEST MODE WF328AA Models
Samsung Washing Machine Display Panel WF328AA Models
Use Service Mode if needed:
Samsung Washing Machine SERVICE MODE WF328AA Models
If after checking all the above you still get the 3E error code on your Samsung washing machine:
If the hall sensor and stator are connected properly, are not visibly damaged, and the wiring is secure, the next thing to check is…
– Check the voltage going TO the hall sensor on the main control board on connector CN8 (see schematic below).
– Check the voltage going TO the motor on the main control board on connector CN9 (see schematic below).
The CN9 connector has 3 different wires. With power OFF you will or SHOULD have 11.5 ohms between pins 1-2, pins 1-3, and pins 2-3Â (see chart below).
Samsung Washing Machine HALL SENSOR and MOTOR CHECK WF328AA Models
Samsung Washing Machine CONTROL BOARD
What is a Hall Sensor on a Samsung washing machine and what does it do?
The Samsung washer motor has a sensor which is part of the system that determines if the drum is out of balance or spinning properly by the main PCB (control board). As the drum begins to spin, the MICOM on the control board looks for an indication if the motor is spinning and how fast it is spinning. The hall sensor measures rotation speed by reading the magnetic field created by the magnets on the rotor. If the Hall Sensor is not secure, is not electrically connected (loose wire), or not receiving voltage, the 3e error may show.
NOTE: This troubleshooting method for the 3e error code is meant for Samsung washing machine models WF328AAG/XAA, WF328AAR/XAA, WF328AAW/XAA, and other model number washers that are configured the same.
If you have questions or problems with fixing and solving the 3E error code on your Samsung washer, please leave a question below with the model number and exact issue and we will be happy to assist you in troubleshooting the problem.
I have a WF80F5E2W4W which shows the 3E code; first time it happened I removed the motor, checked the carbon brushes, cleaned the area where they touch and the error went away for about 1 month. Then it came back; second time I simply removed the motor connector and put it back on and it worked for a few more week. Now it’s permanent and I cannot fix it. Is there a service manual for this machine or somewhere instructions to test the various components and check where the fault is? Thank you in advance if anybody can reply.
Our 2016 WF42H5200AW/A2 started randomly stopping, after which a press of the start button would let it resume, only to randomly stop again … rarely in the same part of the cycle. Based upon a tip I saw in another forum that apparently worked for two other owners, I took the back panel off the washer, removed the plastic shrouds off the control boards, and placed a fan back there. It worked like a charm. The left hand control board has a pretty large heat sink on it, and it seems like a poor design to cover it with a shroud. A heat sink does rather little good if there isn’t any air movement, and plastic is a poor conductor of heat.
I have a samsung wf56h9100ag washer that won’t spin. It had the 3e2 code. I have tested the stator with an ohm meter as well as the hall sensor. Both tested ok. I’ve checked all the wiring and only found a wire with the plastic covering cracked on the vibration sensor. When I put it on the spin test the motor tries to spin then stops and just clicks.
Any help would be appreciated
Hi. I’ve been getting error code 3E on our Samsung Ecobubble washing machine for the past month or two. Wasn’t able to get it fixed at the time so whenever the error occurred the wash cycle would pause and if just simply press the start button and it would resume. All of a sudden this week the power went off completely and now I can’t even turn it on. Hubby is going to take a look but was hoping for some pointers if anyone can please help?
Thank you
Hi i have a samsung ecobubble washing machine model WF80F5E2W4X which fills up with water but fails to spin ive tried changing the carbon brushes but that did not help can anyone please help me with some advice or what fault it might have and how can i fix this. cheers
samsung front loader wf8750lsw 3e error
Hey guys have read though info about 3e error my machine pre fills with water then switches to rinse powder through for about a second when normally the drum would start spinning but it never gets there have Checked connection but haven’t put a meter on anything yet can u narrow down anything ?
If it is intermittent, it’s the hall sensor
I had the same problem and it turned out to be the Hall Sensor which is located on the back of the washer and is a sensor that controls the motor and the “brake” for the motor. It only costs about $30-$40 dollars and you can find them on Amazon. It took me about two hours to fix. It was not hard if you are at all handy. You can find out how to change it on You Tube.
I have a WF455ARGSWR/AA with a e3 error code. I’ve replaced the mother board and it worked for a couple weeks. Now the code is coming up again. I went through all the connections on the board and in the back. Any other suggestions?
I have a Samsung washer I cannot figure out. I dont want to replace it. I would be very grate full for a page like this one done on my model with the detailed diag info as is here. Please help! I have looked every where. Model# WF42H5400AF/A2 version1
My washer wf1704wse has the code 3e and when I put it in to any cycle it starts letting water in then stops within about 30 seconds . Please can you help ?
Replaced the hall sensor, but the rpm is not reading properly. at 50-100 rpm, the control displays 800-900, then it speeds up and sow 1500, It seems to be displaying the error code now because it assumes it is spinning much faster than what it really is. I’m assuming the control board I need to replace is the main one at the bottom rear of the machine
Thanks for the support. I have a Samsung wf328aaw/Xaa washer. I performed all the tests for 3e error above. Checked connections, rebooted the board, multimeter test on hall sensor and motor. I didn’t find any problems. The bearings seem to be ok to. Drum spins well enough.
My problem is intermittent. We will use washer and at spin cycle the 3e code will pop up. If we try to use washer immediately the 3e pops up again. If I shut the washer off, let it rest for 1/2 an hour I can get it to spin again through a spin cycle.
Any ideas? New motor needed? Washer is about ten years old. Bearings? I’ve replaced the water pump already.
Hi. I have error E3 code on my Samsung WF700n6w1. It doesn’t spin. We can’t even access the motor as there’s no back panel you can remove, the 3 side walls are all one block. It was never designed to be easily repaired! Still, anything I can do? I can see the belt is still on, but that’s it. Thanks.
I have a WF419 Vrt washer. We had to replace control board but Samsung no longer makes that part. They have substituted it with DC92-00254a however the buttons that choose the cycles temp and spin speed don’t align with what the washer actually does. For example when I press the Actifresh” button it thinks I am trying to do a delay start
Ultimately we did 3 loads with the new motherboard and got a 3e code and of course tried to choose the “spin only” cycle and it didn’t do anything. I think it doesn’t know what the spin only cycle IS… what’s my next step?
Have the above error code checked all wiring, motor but the washer still wont spin.